Venue: Pitch 1, Marden Sports Club, 319 Maidstone Road, Marden, Kent TN12 9AG
Timings: PB 1.30pm, warm up from 1pm
Facilities: The Clubhouse will be open, please only players and officials in the warm up areas between pitches! I have attached venue info for your parents.
Address is:
Marden Cricket & Hockey Club Maidstone Rd, Marden TN12 9AG
Finding us:
We are on the Maidstone Road leading out of Marden. Coming from Maidstone and the A229 we are on the left , just after the cemetery, before you reach the village.
Pitch 1 is closest to the clubhouse, Pitch 2 is furthest. Access is via the gates between the two. Dug-outs are available for teams. Please note only players, coaches and managers are allowed in these areas. There are also two warm up areas between the pitches, that are allocated to home and away.
Its home kit as Mardens play in yellow & black.
Remember hockey stick mouth guard shin pads & water bottle.