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BHHC launches new WhatsApp Community for the 2024-2025 season

BHHC launches new WhatsApp Community for the 2024-2025 season

David Chappell4 Oct - 11:50
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A channel for members to stay connected more easily and for the club to share important updates

A new WhatsApp Community has been set up for Brighton & Hove Hockey Club for the 2024-25 season, making it easier than ever for members to stay connected, share important club updates and announce details of upcoming social events amongst other things.

Dan Roberts-Hoad of BHHC's Marketing and Sponsorship team says: "The idea behind the community is to bring all members of the club together, increase engagement within the club and make sure that important communications throughout the year have a better chance of making it to more players and members - clubwide announcements through this channel will be kept to no more than once a week on average as we don't want to add more unnecessary notifications for people!

The initial step of integrating this communication channel to the club will be via team captains adding their respective team's WhatsApp groups - if you are a playing member and part of a team WhatsApp group, you will automatically become part of the new community. This is already happening.

Once in the community you will be able to see other groups you can join; for example the 'Club Social Events' group. Initially there will be a limited number of these but there are plans to introduce more groups as time goes on.

More dedicated groups will be added to the community as we go along to add more functionality for the club - in the meantime please make sure you add yourself to the 'Club Social Events' group where information about all upcoming social events going on will be shared as it would be great to see more faces down at the clubhouse each week!

For members looking to join the BHHC WhatsApp Comunity please contact your captain for further information or alternatively scan the QR code found in the clubhouse bar.

Finally if you have any feedback, questions, suggestions or ideas for this new WhatsApp Community please reach out to us at".

Further reading