With pre-season training underway, Club Weekend upon us (September 3-4) and the 2022-2023 league season just weeks away all Brighton & Hove Hockey Club players are asked to register on the new England Hockey Game Management System (GMS) as soon as possible.
It is a requirement this season that all players are registered on GMS. For the 2022-2023 season every adult league game will require captains to complete team sheets on the GMS before the game starts. The captains will only be able to select players that are registered on GMS (non-registered players cannot be added to the team sheet).
Therefore all players must now register on the GMS (it is a quick process) through the following link:
Please can you do this as soon as possible as we need to avoid last-minute issues before the season starts (September 24). The player application on GMS also needs to be approved by BHHC officials so registering at the last minute may cause you to miss out. Please act now as it only takes five minutes to complete the registration.
• Adult players - click ‘Register’ then choose ‘Player’ and complete your details.
• Under-18 players - parents are required to register first. Click ‘Register’ then choose ‘Parent/Guardian’ and complete your details. You then add your child under ‘Relations/Dependants’ - see the guides below for help.
• Once registered, a BHHC admin officer will approve you.
This season, if your name is not down on the GMS teamsheet, you won’t be able to play. This is how the GMS will monitor ‘doubling-up’ or 'playing down' etc. It is England Hockey's new system to record all hockey matches in England and is designed to hold all club team and player records as well as game data entered by the team captains or managers.
It is the start of the future for hockey, it will be the home of player profiles which will hold a digital history of games played, match reports and more. It is focused on streamlining competition administration for clubs and administrators.
If you have any problems with registration, please contact your club captain - Marie Jarvis (women) or Pete Stevens (men) - or Myles Ford (junior chair).
For reference here are the England Hockey usage guides
Go to: https://www.englandhockey.co.uk/play/gms-player and for under-18s under the policies section go to GMS Training Document - How to Sign Up my Child or Add a Child to my profile. The GMS Privacy Policy is also there.